a simple man in a complex world

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

DirecTV can eat my asshole.

seriously people, NEVER subscribe to directv. it sucks ass, even worse than comcast. and I didn't think that was possible.

I have hated comcast for years, and done my damnedest to avoid it. unfortunately, they're the only cable company in town. so we went with satellite. big mistake.

y'see, satellite doesn't work in bad weather. rain, wind, snow, that sort of shit. basically, six months of the year in seattle. oh, they'll tell you weather doesn't affect anything, that only the most extreme weather conditions will cause and outage, no different than cable.

evidently, 20mph november winds are hurricane force. or a january rain shower is a monsoon. our TV reception has crapped out more times than I can count. not to mention our remote control which stopped working, had to be reprogrammed for an auxillary, and then still craps out from time to time. or our DVR which will only record the first half hour of any program. you want to watch the second half? too bad, it won't fucking work.

I also paid $150 for NHL centre ice, which happens to coincide with winter weather, and thus I miss a good chunk of the games I paid for.

I'm paying $50 a month for this shit. so I called up to cancel. the product is not living up to its billing. they tell me if I want to cancel, I owe them $12.50 for every month short of my two year commitment that I haven't used. I still have eleven months outstanding on my commitment. just to CANCEL the fucking thing will cost me $140. it doesn't seem fair to me that I'm not allowed to opt out of a shitty contract, and yet they aren't obligated to live up to their end.

they're sending out a repair man again. they sent a new receiver fed ex, but no one was here to sign for it. I had to drive across town to pick it up, because directv wouldn't let me re-direct the shipment to my work. the repair guy is supposed to be here between 8 and noon. last time he showed up at 1:30. and then, he did a half assed job and didn't waterproof the connectors, so they corroded within a month and we had to bring ANOTHER guy out to fix it.

I've spent upwards of thirty minutes sitting on hold only to be disconnected as soon as someone finally picked up.

this is by far the shittiest product and shittiest customer service I've ever experienced. as soon as hockey season is over, I'm cancelling our fucking dish. I'll pay the god damned $90 left of my "service commitment" and I WILL wipe my ass with the cheque before I mail it off.

companies like DirecTV need to be firebombed off the fucking map. they make guys like Enron look good...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

just another reason to dread monday morning...

my boss left early friday, about 1pm. before he left, he called a mandatory 6am meeting for monday morning. I wasn't pleased about that. I usually hit the snooze bar at 6am. I basically have to wake up 90 minutes earlier for this dumb meeting. no one knew what it was about.

about 3pm, my dad called me, asked if I'd heard the news. I don't hear anything. he tells me my boss is going to corporate to take over the purchasing department. I had applied to purchasing before I ended up in quotations. the guy running the department was a total dick. I've known him for years. he hates my dad, mostly due to his incompetence and my dad's lack of hesitance on calling him on it. so when I got to corporate many years ago, this fucker targeted me as a mole or something. long story short, I had the experience to do the job and it was a five minute commute from home. his department was a revolving door, but he wouldn't take me on because of his grudge against my dad.

now my current boss, who I really like, is taking over. my boss is very laid back and lenient... maybe a bit too much so, but I'd rather work for a nice guy than a hard ass. I have no idea who they're replacing him with. from what my dad was saying, it doesn't sound like they even know yet. all I know is, this is going to suck. and I can't say "take me with you!" even tho I had originally looked at purchasing... they brought me into quotes as the future... everyone else I work with in my department is in their 60s. they're literally all going to retire in the next couple years. they're not going to pull the one young person away from commercial quotations, it's the commercial branch for lard's sake... someone has to quote the commercial jobs.

this just sucks. there's better than even odds I'm going to end up working for a dick...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

damn the man!

I was doing our taxes last night. we're fucked. we owe over $1100 in back taxes.

I've never owed money before. in fact, I've never had less than a $500 refund. then again, I've never been middle class and married with no children. we're paying a sizeable marriage penalty and don't get the benefit of child deductions. plus, our tax bracket is actually pretty much middle class, which means we end up paying more tax than everyone else... fuck dubya up his stupid fucking ass for that.

so yeah, we can kiss our trip to vegas in april good-by. we aren't going anywhere cool for vacation this year. our vacation fund is getting wiped out by uncle sam...


Sunday, January 14, 2007

one more reason to move to canada...

...or better yet, pray for the nuclear holocaust that will end all human existence.

Federal Way schools restrict Gore film

some dumbshit father of SEVEN got offended that his kids were forced to watch An Inconvenient Truth. why? because he believes the earth is 14,000 years old. so now a local school distract can't show the film until it offers up a cogent counter-point. this effectively says no one in this school district will have it in their curriculum. they may as well demand the fucking easter bunny come in to teach about why the science in that movie is bunk. I bet the cocksucker never even WATCHED the fucking movie. how can you skirt the whole "separation of church and state" issue and address why gore's point is wrong, when the counterpoint is based on the fucking bible?

don't get me wrong... I thought much of that movie was pedantic, self-important drivel on gore's part. I also thought his "solution" was winsomely optimistic, and that we're all doomed. but my personal feelings for gore aside, it's pretty damn difficult to argue with the hard science behind it. you'd have to be, I don't know, RETARDED, to even try...

my only solace in that is that there are so many ignorant fuckers out there who are going down too. I just hope they go first, so I can watch the look on their face if they ever realise how fucking stupid they've been. yeah, I know, it'll never happen...

christ, I hate humanity.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

all I wanted to do was watch my fucking hockey game...

I slept in today. made breakfast of eggs with onion and basil. I was going to relax and watch some fucking hockey. all day long. it's hockey day in canada. of course CBC fucks the habs and gives them the matinee game, seeing as they're only THE MOST STORIED FUCKING TEAM IN THE HISTORY OF HOCKEY.

I try to turn on my game at 11. I paid $130 for NHL centre ice, which was to allow me access to all the televised games. problem is, DIRECTV CAN EAT MY FUCKING ASSHOLE. at 11am, I tune to channel 767. Montreal Canadiens at Ottawa Senators. and hey, it even says it's supposed to be a free preview of centre ice right now. problem is, the game doesn't fucking come on. the screen is black.

I call up Directv to ask them what the fuck their problem is. I sit on hold for nearly half an hour. meanwhile, I have yahoo updating the damn game every thirty seconds, and see the fucking habs are getting killed.

after 27 minutes, someone finally answers and I can stop listening to their fucking muzak and commercials for a product they KNOW I ALREADY PAID FOR, only to be disconnected three seconds into the conversation.

now channel 767 says: "upcoming: Vancouver Canucks at Toronto Maple Leafs"... it's as if my fucking habs game never existed.

I hate Directv. it was supposed to be an improvement over Comcast. it's not. it's the same fucking product, except it doesn't work in the rain, wind or occasional snow. you know, basically six months out of the Seattle weather cycle. any time I REALLY want to watch a game, that I actually plan to be available to watch it, they fuck me.

this was supposed to be such a promising weekend, and it's already turned to shit. well, fuck it. I'm getting drunk instead. I'm going to get shitfaced and I'm not going to think or feel anything until tomorrow.

I really want a Directv sales rep here right now, so I could beat the living shit out of him...

Saturday, January 06, 2007

best of '06 - movies

15. accepted

14. expiration date

13. the last kiss

12. who killed the electric car

11. an inconvenient truth

10. imagine me & you

9. borat

8. little miss sunshine

7. the science of sleep

6. clerks 2

5. thank you for smoking

4. tristram shandy: a cock and bull story

3. V for vendetta

2. a scanner darkly

1. wristcutters: a love story