a simple man in a complex world

Sunday, January 14, 2007

one more reason to move to canada...

...or better yet, pray for the nuclear holocaust that will end all human existence.

Federal Way schools restrict Gore film

some dumbshit father of SEVEN got offended that his kids were forced to watch An Inconvenient Truth. why? because he believes the earth is 14,000 years old. so now a local school distract can't show the film until it offers up a cogent counter-point. this effectively says no one in this school district will have it in their curriculum. they may as well demand the fucking easter bunny come in to teach about why the science in that movie is bunk. I bet the cocksucker never even WATCHED the fucking movie. how can you skirt the whole "separation of church and state" issue and address why gore's point is wrong, when the counterpoint is based on the fucking bible?

don't get me wrong... I thought much of that movie was pedantic, self-important drivel on gore's part. I also thought his "solution" was winsomely optimistic, and that we're all doomed. but my personal feelings for gore aside, it's pretty damn difficult to argue with the hard science behind it. you'd have to be, I don't know, RETARDED, to even try...

my only solace in that is that there are so many ignorant fuckers out there who are going down too. I just hope they go first, so I can watch the look on their face if they ever realise how fucking stupid they've been. yeah, I know, it'll never happen...

christ, I hate humanity.


At 4:03 PM , Blogger Paul said...

I have become extremely frustrated with literalist Christians who seek "balance" to scientific discussions. There's no such thing as an equally legitimate counterpoint to a scientific consensus - that's why it's called a bloody consensus.

Your country scares me.


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