a simple man in a complex world

Sunday, October 08, 2006


it's been almost a month since I last wrote. that's bad. I'd like to say I've been busy, but it hasn't been that. I've just been lazy.

it's past midnight on canuck thanksgiving weekend. we're in canada. I tried to go to bed over two hours ago, but can't sleep. I'm sick again. this is the second cold I've ended up with in a month. it sucks some serious balls. it's just starting, but that means I'm in the REALLY sore throat/can't sleep stage of it. which is bad, since I've been awake since 5am this morning for work. I'm going on twenty hours of consciousness now and I'm exhausted. I just can't sleep.

so what's been new the past month? I played kickball in a beer league. I didn't kill myself, and did okay. I ended up pitching most of the time and got pretty good at it. I can't kick worth a damn. I'm hoping next year to put together a proper team, rather than deal with the dregs that signed up as individuals. a few of those people REALLY sucked, and it hurt our chances of winning. in all, we went 2-5. that was good for 7th place out of 10 teams.

I started my new job at the old employer selling toilets. I've been there about three weeks. there's been much praise so far, but it worries me. the people I'm working with are literally talking about me as some sort of saviour, that I've righted the ship and got them back on track. I haven't done much of anything. I've put some files into binders and cleaned up some orders in the computer. that's it. I can't tell if they're just blowing smoke up my ass, if the woman I'm replacing really WAS that useless (they've claimed I've accomplished more in three weeks than she did in a year, but given that she was caught hiding or throwing out anything she didn't want to deal with, I can believe it) and thus set the bar REALLY low, or it's just a coincidence. my worry is it's a coincidence that I just started during a lull, and when things pick up again I'll be expected to “fix it”... I do have five or six year experience in the industry, so that's helped. and I know my way around computers, so I've been pointing out little time saving tricks to people, which has been appreciated. but in all, I'm still weirded out by the whole thing.

we've got two concerts coming up. decemberists in november, death cab in december. the last couple concerts I've attempted to go to have ended badly, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. the death cab tickets are general admission. we tried for seats, but couldn't get enough all together for the group we're going with. I don't know if I can stand for three plus hours anymore. my knees are shot.

we finally got a new compy. well, sort of new. miyuki's work upgraded about fifteen of theirs, and raffled off the old ones. she won one. it's a dull, I mean dell, pentium 4. it's not the fastest thing out there, but it beats all sorts of shits out of the six year old powerbook we'd been using. all she got was the tower, so we had to buy about $200 worth of extras. got a nice 17" LCD, a 160gb hard drive (it only had a 40gb), a cd-rw, mouse, keyboard, etc. the good news about all that is, if I decide to opt for a mac mini when I do go back to mac ('cos really, once you go mac, you never want to go back) instead of an imac. it'll cost about half as much. I didn't do that before because I didn't have the monitor, keyboard, etc. this also means that the money we've been saving for a new computer can instead go towards an elliptical trainer. it'll be nice if we can get into better shape.

I also fuggered up my back a month ago. last cold, actually. I coughed so hard that I threw my back out, and never recovered. I started going to a chiropractor. I feel dirty in doing so, as I'm unsure of the actual medical good it's doing me. it seems to be helping a little bit tho, and despite my skepticism, I want to believe at least some of the crap the witch doctor is spouting, and that if I get everything worked out I will start feeling better. the x-rays he took were damn freaky. most people have a curve to their neck. I'm a damn giraffe. no curve whatsoever. my pelvis is also all out of whack, rotated backwards and higher on the left than on the right. allegedly, all of this will be fixed within a few months, and then will just take occasional adjustments from there on out. I'm paying cash for all this, as insurance isn't a feasible option. it ain't cheap, but I imagine it could be worse.

hockey season started. and there was much rejoicing. once again I have my centre ice package, so I'm watching too many games. we've also started doing weekly red dwarf nights with our craigslist friends. between that and bowling and kickball, plus shooting pool over beers from time to time, we've been insanely busy, at least for us. it's to the point that we have to plan ahead when we're going to do chores like laundry, or when we need to cook dinner with groceries we bought... I'm not used to having a bona fide social life.

not much else to report. miyuki is still upstairs preparing food for tomorrow. I should at least try to sleep, even tho it won't work.


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