a simple man in a complex world

Saturday, September 09, 2006


miyuki got free tickets to last nights mariners game through work. it was the company party dealie, so we got gift cards to the concessions as well. in all, we paid $1.35 for the game ($0.35 for ten minutes work of street parking, $1 for my soda that wasn't covered by the card). good game too. kenji hit a three run homer and richie hit a grand slam. it's the second game we've been to this year that richie's hit hisself a salami. we also got tickets for sunday's game at the last minute, one of her coworkers had to give them up. set of four tickets. I had a couple people lined up to go with us, but on has already bailed. I'm expecting the other to as well (coworker who has never followed through on commitments to meet up outside of work). we may just end up selling the other two to a scalper... hey, it's a free $60 if we do. we could go out for a nice dinner after. a really nice dinner.

I gave my notice. my boss wasn't happy. he almost reacted like the whiney dumped boyfriend stereotype... "did I mislead you when I hired you? what did I do wrong?" most of my other coworkers weren't exactly surprised, but they're worried what'll happen. despite not getting paid much and constantly getting shit without any rewards, my job was fairly crucial to production. at one point my boss asked me if I was relieved. he then went on to ask me to document, in detail, all of my job duties, because he wouldn't be able to replace me in the two weeks. this is, of course, despite the fact that the girl I replaced (she wanted to be a stay at home mom) has since said she'd love to come back. I guess he decided he doesn't want her back for whatever reason, but that's not my problem. she only did the damn job for five years, she knows how to do it better than I do... I do find it somewhat odd that there have been several guilt trips to try to get me to change my mind.

I'm not even sure what to expect with the new job going back to the "family business"... I do know what the company entails tho, so I know it'll be better, even if only slightly. fewer variables out of my control, which is the important thing. the job description is firmly established, and they won't add a shitload to it after I start without moving me to another position. and from the sounds of it, they don't even want me to move. they want to groom me to replace a guy who is retiring after 30 years of doing quotes. sounds to me like the job is fairly stable...

not much else going on around here. I'm really looking forward to lego star wars II released tuesday. I'm a bit of a nerd.


At 12:44 AM , Blogger Toby said...

But don't the guilt-trips and whininess make you feel loved and valued?


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