a simple man in a complex world

Friday, November 03, 2006

erm, yeah...

so, a couple weeks ago I wasted $30 and a saturday morning to take the mensa entrance exam. I went in with a friend of mine, and we found it amusing how seriously everyone was taking it. I figured if nothing else, it was good for a larf, and it would finally prove that I'm not as smart as people had always told me.

I was wrong. I am as smart as people always told me. I gained entrance to mensa. I can pay $52 a year for such sweet deals as meeting up with other nerds monthly to discuss smart people stuff. oh, and there's a newsletter. possible with cookie recipes done by smart people.

they didn't give me actual results for the test, mind you. all they're able to do is tell you if you pass the 98th percentile threshhold on one of the two tests you take. they can tell you that you passed, that you failed, or that you were close. I passed. I'm 98th percentile. despite all my college entrance exams being closer to 70th percentile. the last time I scored 98th percentile was elementary school. well, or in height as a kid. I was a big kid.

I don't know if I actually want to join or anything. from what I could tell, the people there are all keeners. I've never felt very smart, since I'm mostly pretty lazy. sitting around with a bunch of smart people feeling stupid isn't my idea of fun. in normal life I can feel superior with very little effort. I like the path of least resistance.

however, I did state all along that if I did qualify, I wanted to get a t-shirt that said "I'm in mensa and you're not" just to be an ass. I think I technically have to pay dues at least once to pull that one off and not feel like a schmuck.

I'm mostly disappointed, tho. I really was looking for some sort of validation of being a slacker. poop. fortunately, this will do nothing more than a minor swelling of guilt for living such a useless existence, it won't actually motivate me to change the world or nothin'....


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