DirecTV can eat my asshole.
seriously people, NEVER subscribe to directv. it sucks ass, even worse than comcast. and I didn't think that was possible.
I have hated comcast for years, and done my damnedest to avoid it. unfortunately, they're the only cable company in town. so we went with satellite. big mistake.
y'see, satellite doesn't work in bad weather. rain, wind, snow, that sort of shit. basically, six months of the year in seattle. oh, they'll tell you weather doesn't affect anything, that only the most extreme weather conditions will cause and outage, no different than cable.
evidently, 20mph november winds are hurricane force. or a january rain shower is a monsoon. our TV reception has crapped out more times than I can count. not to mention our remote control which stopped working, had to be reprogrammed for an auxillary, and then still craps out from time to time. or our DVR which will only record the first half hour of any program. you want to watch the second half? too bad, it won't fucking work.
I also paid $150 for NHL centre ice, which happens to coincide with winter weather, and thus I miss a good chunk of the games I paid for.
I'm paying $50 a month for this shit. so I called up to cancel. the product is not living up to its billing. they tell me if I want to cancel, I owe them $12.50 for every month short of my two year commitment that I haven't used. I still have eleven months outstanding on my commitment. just to CANCEL the fucking thing will cost me $140. it doesn't seem fair to me that I'm not allowed to opt out of a shitty contract, and yet they aren't obligated to live up to their end.
they're sending out a repair man again. they sent a new receiver fed ex, but no one was here to sign for it. I had to drive across town to pick it up, because directv wouldn't let me re-direct the shipment to my work. the repair guy is supposed to be here between 8 and noon. last time he showed up at 1:30. and then, he did a half assed job and didn't waterproof the connectors, so they corroded within a month and we had to bring ANOTHER guy out to fix it.
I've spent upwards of thirty minutes sitting on hold only to be disconnected as soon as someone finally picked up.
this is by far the shittiest product and shittiest customer service I've ever experienced. as soon as hockey season is over, I'm cancelling our fucking dish. I'll pay the god damned $90 left of my "service commitment" and I WILL wipe my ass with the cheque before I mail it off.
companies like DirecTV need to be firebombed off the fucking map. they make guys like Enron look good...
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