a simple man in a complex world

Sunday, March 29, 2009


so yeah. we were supposed to sign the final paperwork on the pinehurst house friday, so we could close and move end of april.

funny thing. I got laid off wednesday. "laid off" probably isn't the right word... "fired" was more like it. details are sketchy, but it sounds like has to do with a personality conflict with a "woman" I worked with, who I am pretty sure is the antichrist. since she's threatened 2.3 lawsuits per year for the past 35+ years (seriously), they decided to just get rid of me rather than call her bluff.

I was pretty upset at first. but I applied for unemployment right away, found out I'll qualify for about 85% of what I was taking home anyway, and immediately started networking. I've had several kind words and offers of reference come in, and even had an interview 9am thursday. the interview went well, last over an hour with the manager who has known me since I was six years old. he said he thought he could find something for me if I could give him a few weeks, which in this economy is all I could ask for. the company is better than my former employer (my dad used to work there for twenty years), offering a smaller, more family-oriented environment. plus, the branch is within walking distance of our apartment.

in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy my time off, rake in some unemployment for a few weeks, and hope to be back to work in may. we definitely lost out on the pinehurst house, but I'm planning to still buy later in the summer. I want to get back into the saddle for a couple months, make sure everything is stable, and then see what is available on the market.

the real irony is, the original house we wanted on 199th may be through the foreclosure process by then and back on the market as a bank-owned, which means it'd be even cheaper than what we offered...


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