mixed bag weekend...
this weekend has been up and down. not really sure what to think. it was okay, I suppose, but not nearly as grand as I had envisioned...
I took friday off work, since I didn't feel like working on my birthday. instead I slept in, got biscuits and gravy for breakfast up the street, and cleaned house a bit during the day. I made what turned out to be way too much food for the party that night.
we had some friends over, but quickly abandoned the idea of going bar hopping. instead we went to to zak's for burgers, and I got packed full of "little johnson" before heading back to the apartment for drinks, mario kart and boom blox. by 2am, everyone had gone home. I was entirely prepared for the party to go til 3 or 4am and for people to crash here, so that was odd. getting older, I suppose.
saturday I ventured out to greenwood because I needed some storage boxes for my nerd cards, and the hobby shop out there sold them. only when we got to greenwood, we realised there was a car show that had closed down several blocks of greenwood ave. we had to park and walk nine blocks from the store in glaring ninety degree heat, and witnessed what had to be some of the ugliest fucking people on the planet. it never really occurred to e why I was never drawn to fixing up old cars until that moment: looking around I knew I never wanted to be associated with that sort of white trash.
on the way out of greenwood, we nearly got run over by some asshole in an SUV holding a kiddie pool to the top of his car. we were going through a roundabout, and despite being halfway through it, he barged in front of us and was screaming at me that he had the right of way. I'm not sure how someone can have the right of way in an uncontrolled intersection when the other person was there much earlier and was already going... it's people like that who make me wish for a comet to wipe out all of humanity.
we tried a "minnesota style" pizza place for an early dinner, place called zayda buddy's (I think), and it was okay. the service was horrible, but the pizza wasn't bad, really thin crust. the place was decorated with all sorts of old midwest beer ads, sports memorabilia from minnesota and wisonsin, and old farrah fawcett posters. they had an impressive looking menu, I want to go back and try some of their comfort foods. their sandwiches looked okay, but the burgers were scary... they had a pepperjack cheese stuffed burger that was breaded and deep fried. that doesn't sound healthy. at all.
we went out to see wall-e afterwards, breaking my usual tradition of waiting two or three weeks to see popular movies. we sat in the third row, as we got there only ten minutes before showtime, and it was alright. I can see why kids would like it, but I don't understand why my coworkers were insisting it was going to be so amazing. to me, the toy story movies are the best animation and everything's been downhill from there. the incredibles, to quote sick boy, was merely a blip on an otherwise downward trajectory... I just have been impressed with any of the stuff that's come out since toy story, either pixar or dreamworks... I don't include "wallace and gromit" in this category, since plasticene is still cool.
the worst part about wall-e was the preview for some fucking chihuahua movie. I'd call it "incredibly gay" but I don't want to disparage homosexuality in that way... even calling it "retarded" isn't fair to all the 'tards out there. it just looks wrong on so many levels.
the best part? the "cartoon" at the beginning. the rabbit and magician was pretty cute. but then again, the short before the pixar movies usually are amazing.
don't stay through the closing credits. there's nothing there.
today is going to be a lazy culmination of the weekend. it feels like a bonus day anyway. anytime we're up late on friday, saturday always seems like sunday. we tried, in vain, to get wii fit from toys r us, but were told to try back next sunday. I doubt we'll do much else today, it's too bloody hot for anything. maybe go buy some more fans for the apartment, and probably watch "wristcutters" from netflix.