a simple man in a complex world

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

kicked in the balls.

so has anyone else noticed that msn.com pretty much ALWAYS has an article about hating your job? seriously, there's usually something about hating a boss or coworker or something... today there was one about "how to tell if it's burnout or time for a break"... and yeah, according to it, I'm burnt out. which is sad, considering I haven't even been there a year. but the fact that I'm reading articles about job dissatisfication AT work is probably the first hint right there.

so yeah, I've upped the ante in my passive-aggressive job search... I'm not going to actively search for a new job, at least not until they decide they want to move somewhere horrible and force me to commute. but I did talk to a friend from the last place I worked, and asked her to sniff around to see if anyone is hiring. it wouldn't be a positive move or anything, but at least it'd be slightly more bearable than what I'm doing now. and it would be temporary anyway, since we're talking about going back to canada. I'd probably be happier spending two years as a toiletmonger... plus, the person that would give me the most shit about going back couldn't say a damn thing, since after he predicted I'd be back, he quit and went back two months later. at least I'm already to nine months...

in happier news, I signed up for a kickball league. I'm really looking forward to it. I dunno why I hadn't heard of this place earlier, but it's called underdog sports leagues, and they do all sorts of adult, co-ed rec sports... all involving copious amounts of booze. if kickball goes well, I'll try the softball and bowling as well, and maybe even the golf. this is all contingent, of course, on me not killing myself whilst trying to touch my inner fifth grader...


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