a simple man in a complex world

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

fuck everyone.

people wonder why I downplay my fucking birthdays? because every year, something horrible happens. everyone remember a few years ago when I was having a GOOD birthday and then the surrey crack whore ran a stop sign and plowed into my two month old car? fuck, every birthday since my 8th when my mom invited my entire class to a birthday party and NOBODY showed, my birthdays have sucked ass. and this year is no exception.

it's 90 fucking degrees outside. so we went and bought a large shade for our back porch to keep the place cool. we got a letter two weeks ago saying they'd be doing pressure washing on the outside of the building between the 20th and 30th, but seeing as no one has done a damn thing since the 22nd, I figured it was safe to put the fucking thing up.

wrong. I came home from work, the thing is sitting on the back porch, probably broken. and the fuckers must have made such a commotion tearing it down that they spooked the cats. who in turn got as high up as the could, which is the cupboards over our fridge. in the process, they kicked the freezer door WIDE open.

everything in the freezer is ruined. it's 90 degrees in here, and I don't know how many hours it's been open. not to mention the damn motor has been trying to keep the entire apartment a balmy 30 degrees all day, so it'll probably die soon as well.

so there's at least fifty dollars worth of food I have to throw out. it's soggy as all hell, there's no way it'll refreeze properly, and even if it would, I'm sure as hell not eating it. there was chicken in there that's probably oozing with bacteria now.

I swear, if I could figure out a way to take about a hundred million people out with me, I'd off myself in a fucking heartbeat. this shit is NOT worth it.


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