a simple man in a complex world

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


at some point in my life, I'd like to work with people who aren't pigs. I used to work in the plumbing industry with a bunch of warehouse grunts and even office people generally lacking in education or refinement.

now, I work with production people on a shop floor who also show an amazingly small amount of tolerance. it's nothing too terribly bad, but that's probably because there aren't any gay people here (that anyone knows of, anyway). but the shop guys pretty much always come back to "brokeback mountain" jokes... it's sad how they're still having this conversation. none of them have seen it. they all said once they heard what it was about, they didn't want to.

so I've decided to shock them a bit... told them about how good brokeback was, but went a little further... stuff like priscilla, flawless or bad education, where you move beyond normal gay characters to more fringe types. that really freaks them out. I heard things like, "I've lost a lot of respect for you" when I talk about enjoying such movies. I don't think they realise that the feeling is reciprocal.

just for good measure, I have to throw in various amusing pastimes of my social circle, such as the go-gay-for list, or a personal fave, gay chicken. it's sad that these actually need explation.

"what's a go gay for list?"
"it's a list of guys I'd go gay for."
"y'know, like sean connery. I'd go gay for him just to say I fucked sean connery. it's purely hypothetical, since sean connery likely wouldn't want to fuck ME."

or gay chicken...
"you ever played regular chicken?"
"okay, same thing, except you just act really, REALLY gay. first person to flinch loses."
bonus points if you can actually creep out a real gay guy.

probably best I didn't mention I've actually kissed guys before while playing. for some reason that's actually WORSE than grabbing of junk to these people.

heaven forbid I actually talk about books or movies I like...


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