a simple man in a complex world

Monday, May 08, 2006

fucking karma.

last week on my way into work I found a twenty dollar bill folded up on the ground. I picked it up and kept going, 'cos hey, it's a free twenty bucks.

good things happening to me can't go unpunished, tho. I've somehow lost $10. I paid for my lunch with a twenty. the coins I know I put in my desk, but I can't find the ten dollar bill. either I forgot to grab it from the change thing (unlikely, given how annoying it is when it beeps at the self-checkout aisle), of I tossed it out with the folded up receipt... but that doesn't seem likely either, I remember tossing it at work.

or maybe the wadded up bill just fell out of my pocket, kinda like how that twenty fell out of someone else's pocket.

I'm bound to lose more money at some point, probably with interest. dammit.


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