a simple man in a complex world

Friday, June 02, 2006

this is retarded.

WASHINGTON - Frito-Lay said Thursday its chips that contain olestra will bear more prominent labeling alerting consumers to the presence of the fat substitute.

The change wards off a lawsuit that a consumer group had threatened on behalf of a woman who said the snacks gave her stomach cramps and forced her to rush to the bathroom.

what kind of moron sues a potato chip company because it made them need to use the potty?

I was really excited when those olestra chips first came out. some friends and I each ate two full bags (the big ones) in an afternoon hoping to test the "anal leakage" theory. and sadly, all I ended up with was some greasy poo.

seriously, how could you NOT know what those chips are? when you're looking at the package, and it says "ZERO FAT" in giant, brightly coloured lettering, wouldn't that alone make you wonder? "how can potato chips, which are fried in OIL, not have any fat in them?"

jebus christ, people are stupid.


At 8:35 PM , Blogger Paul said...

I'm both horrified and impressed that you considered the "anal leakage" caveat to be a selling point. My hat is off to you, sir.


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