all is well.
well, not really. but the funeral is confirmed for thursday at 3pm. it's still in a church. but because the church is decorated for the stupid vacation bible school, the chapel is decked out like a pirate ship. I'm going to have to REALLY try to not make pirate jokes or say "yarr!" or crap like that. this timing seems to work well for everyone involved. well, except maybe grandma. I'll have ti sit in a church, at a funeral, and listen to my cousin sing some crappy sappy cuntry [sic] song, three of my least favourite things in the world, but at least it won't interfere with my weekend plans.
I'm definitely a bad person. when someone at work asked if I was upset, I honestly told them no. "don't you have any fond memories of your grandma?" nope. she was a mean old lady that was always giving me crap about not going to church. miyuki and I discussed this tonight a bit... I've come to the conclusion that I'm just a jerk and I'm destined to spend my life bitter and relatively dis-satisfied with most of my interpersonal relationships. mostly 'cos I'm a hypocrite. I tend to view people in general as selfish and/or phony. I don't much care for people who only keep me around because I'm useful for something (unless, of course, they're my employer), and I seem to encounter very few genuinely nice, sincere people. but that's okay, because I'm neither nice nor sincere. I'm a dick that can't stand small talk and have like zero empathy for anyone other than small animals. seriously. I took this and scored an eight. that means I'm either severely autistic or just plain retarded when it comes to dealing with other human beings. I answered questions as honestly as I could, despite the fact is was plainly obvious what the "right" answers where to score well on the test...
but this funeral gets me out of work for a couple days. right at the end of the month too, which will suck for everyone else. and with the holiday weekend, I'll even end up with a six day weekend out of the deal, albeit one with an annoying trip south.
oh, and on a completely different note: don't try to buy an air conditioner several days into a moderate heat wave. it's been in the 90s for a few days (that's low 30s for you commies up north), and home depot was all sold out of the small 5000 btu units. we're not gonna buy a $400 AC unit for our bedroom, 'cos that would just be dumb. I guess we just have to wait til they get more stock in... we did at least get one of those shitty fake bamboo shades for the porch, to keep the sun out of the living room. should cool things down a little bit...
I'm pretty sure expecting someone to pretend to be upset about a death is worse than pretending to be upset about a death, which is in turn worse than not being upset about a death, which in this case isn't bad at all.
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