how to skin a cat.
it comes down to this: either someone takes our two shithead cats, or I'm going to kill them.
the little fuckers did the SAME thing today. came home, the freezer door was WIDE open. the only thing left in it was the ice cream I had bought last night, which is now soup and probably needs to be thrown out. more importantly, if the strain from yesterday hadn't killed the motor in our freezer, it's a good bet today did. so I'm gonna have to buy a new fucking fridge, since I really doubt "using freezer as air conditioner for entire apartment" is covered by the warranty.
there wasn't even anyone ON our back porch today. amazingly enough, the blinds were still down and tied where I left them last night. which means these little assholes did it all on their own without any provocation.
if they're going to keep doing this, they need to go. I'm sick of it.
just put something really big & heavy on top of the fridge. the worst that will happen is that cats will try to get up there but get bounced back onto the floor. i think i'd actually love to see that happen...hilarious!
You could just put a latch on the freezer door. Might be less work than murdering the cats.
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