a simple man in a complex world

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

R.I.P. "Agnes"

maybe it's simply a case of 'easy come, easy go' or maybe it's karma for buying a suspiciously cheap bicycle, but my new bike is gone. I named it "agnes" because a coworker told me I had to name it something, and that was the first ridiculous name to pop in my head.

once again, I blame the damn painters. while I was in canada, a sign was posted on the door asking everyone to move their bikes from under the stairwell so the stairs could be painted. by the time I got home, a bunch of bikes were in the lobby and the back door was wide open. my bike was nowhere to be found. I called the apartment manager, and she said hers had gone missing too. she also had a shitty bike. yet there were some really nice bikes left behind. go figure.

so I had a bike for about ten days, and now I'm back to walking to work... and out $50. had I known I'd be paying roughly $2 per trip, I would have just driven to work. it would have been much cheaper.

at work today I found myself downloading a bunch of stuff for canada immigration. read into that what you may.

I also heard by far the lamest excuse for not showing up to work ever today. one of the temporary shop monkeys called in and left a voicemail saying his car had a flat tire. he said he didn't have an air compressor, so there was nothing he could do.

I'm gonna enjoy asking the guy tomorrow if he's heard of a spare tire. and if he hasn't, I'll then remind him he also has a motorcycle he oft rides to work in lieu of his car.

seriously folks, if you were out too late or hungover because of a national holiday, just say so... don't come up with some lame ass excuse like that. oh, and don't do like one of the other guys did, sit on someone else's computer talking to your girlfriend for half hour for lunch on msn messenger, and THEN decide you don't feel well and need to go home.

me wanting to move to canada is probably the least of my employer's problems. at least I'll give proper notice if I quit...


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