weirdest. weekend. ever.
okay, I haven't had many six day weekends... it just doesn't happen.
thursday was granny's funeral. it was awful. too bloody hot inside that church, which was decked out like a stage for a ridiculous gay pirate play. garish bright colours and crap like that... we thought we'd get out of it relativelt unscathed after the pastor read the little program bit and a dumb slide show, but then the retired deacon got up and talked for another half hour about all sorts of churchie bullshit, including some homeland security inspired rant about needing a passport to get into heaven... much of what he had to say wasn't even about her, but about my dead grandpa instead. touching, really, the way the church in longview still views women as second class citizens. my sister didn't appreciate me asking if one of her kids happened to bring their gameboy, as I left mine in the car. my mom gave me a nasty look when I expressed concern about the possibility of being struck by lightning inside the church for being a heathen. I tells ya, my family just doesn't appreciate good black comedy...
we came back thursday night, but I told work I had to be down there friday too. so I slept in friday, did a bunch of chores around the house, and otherwise just slobbed about. you know, "mourning" in my own special way. when miyuki got home, we went for sushi, and then went to a mariners game. it was one of the most utterly pathetic performances in the history of professional sports. oh well, it was still nice to go out to the ballpark.
saturday BJ came down. we met up with my friend moe for more sushi. then we went to a skanky bar in lynnwood where BJ was humiliated by the barmaid for awhile. in her defense, his blowjob performance really was pathetic. after the bar we headed out to a titty bar in mukilteo. we were under moe's direction on this one, as he is a bit of a hobbyist. he made sure to differentiate that between an "aficionado" or "connoisseur".. basically meaning he didn't spend THAT much on skanky boobs. what we didn't realise was this titty bar had a special VIP room in the back, and the "lap dances" worked on a sliding pay scale... let's just say it's a good thing BJ didn't have $250 on him, and leave it at that. it's bad enough he felt the need to rinse with mouthwash after his ordeal...
sunday we went to the sci-fi museum, and I hope he had fun. miyuki and I had been there once before, and were a tad disappointed that there was no new content, but it was still interesting.
monday I drove BJ back to canada. we ate yet more sushi. I stuck around for my first ever movie night. it was about what I had expected, but with less people. two people walked out before the films were done, and I like to think I played at least a supporting role in both. good to see I still have my touch, after all.
now it's tuesday. I'm back home after breakfast with BJ and brendan, and we're getting ready to head out to redmond for a 4th of july party. I normally don't give a rat's ass, but it's a former coworker of mine who used to be a pastry chef that's throwing it, and I never pass up invitations to eat at his place. I have a feeling we'll leave after a few hours and not even stay for the fireworks. I really don't care about them anyway...
I don't want to go to work tomorrow.
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