a simple man in a complex world

Sunday, December 02, 2007

pinched nerves, snow and idiots.

somehow I woke up friday morning and couldn't move my head. my neck had seized up on the left side, I wouldn't turn my head or anything. I tried going to work, but only made it through half a day before I had to some home and try to sleep it off. I took a bunch of muscle relaxers left over from the last time my back went out, and they helped a bit. I even went into the chiropractor, but he didn't have any witch doctor trips to fix it. he adjusted in a couple times and said I'd feel "about 75% tomorrow"... we even missed out on a friend's birthday party because I couldn't go out...

turns out he was right. it still hurt like hell yesterday, but at least it had stretched enough that I could turn y head, albeit in pain. since we were driving to canada, it's generally a good thing when you can turn to check your blind spots. unfortunately, we didn't make it to canada.

mother nature can be a cruel bitch. it started snowing around burlington. no worries, I slowed down to about forty mph and kept going. unfortunately, other people in washington don't know how to drive in the snow. we watched a big stupid looking SUV (chevy avalanche, I think) spin about 540 degrees and end up with its back wheels in the ditch. it was going about twenty mph at the time, and was on a straightaway. I'm still not sure about the physics of that. another ten minutes of driving resulted in six more cars in ditches. mind you, this was with less than an inch of snow on the ground. at that point, I decided it wasn't worth the trip. at the rate we going, it would take another four to five hours to get there (we were an hour away at normal speeds) and I didn't want to risk some moron crashing into me. we turned around and came home. I spent three hours at les schwab getting my snow tires put on, so we'll be prepared for the trip next weekend v2.0, and for our trip south at xmas. of course the snow is all gone today. it's not supposed to snow again for while... but paying $50 to put the snow tires on seemed like a worthy investment, just in case.

my neck still hurts today, but it's better than yesterday, and the pain is pretty much bearable. I'm hoping by tomorrow it's completely healed itself.

now we just need to decide what to do today. I think miyuki just plans to play super mario galaxy all day.


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