a simple man in a complex world

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"sensitivity" training.

I had to undergo sensitivity training at work. it's not like when my dad did (he made a girl cry when he fired her), but rather a branch-wide course about harassment. pretty sure this is because the company is being sued because of some asshole that used to work there... but it could also have to do with a couple of the more crazy womens threatening lawsuits all the time.

anyway, the "training" was ridiculous. mostly it was a stupid video talking about all the different "protected classes" of people you can't offend. it covers the standards (race, gender, sexual orientation, etc) but also covers a ton of other things... military service, obesity, body odour, depression, marital status, being over 40, all sorts of shit like that.

basically, about the only "class" that isn't covered is being a middle class, 30 year old white, straight married male. so basically, I'm one of the few people at the branch that can't claim discrimination for something or another, unless I gain another fifty pounds or you have a REALLY liberal interpretation of "body odour"...

it seems so stupid. they said you couldn't listen to music, talk about politics, religion, movies you saw, or basically have any sort of personality whatsoever. basically, because anyone with a broomstick up their ass could be offended by pretty much anything, you have to walk on eggshells around everyone.

worst part was, they actually told people to talk to your supervisor if you have a problem, and if they don't "respond" to it, you file a harassment claim. so if management blows you off for being a moron, they basically told you to file a lawsuit. how can that be good for anyone?

simple fact is, everyone has to work with an asshole or three. everyone has to put up with people they don't like. why the hell should some people be able to win hundreds of thousands of dollars for whining about the same crap the rest of us just deal with?

I really loathe the human race sometimes. and by "sometimes" I mean pretty much constantly.

when is that comet gonna crash into the earth and wipe out humanity?


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