ann, the last blogger on earth, has bugged me into adding an RSS feed to my neglected blog... it took awhile to even figure out what the hell I was doing. there was a time when I was up on computer technology. I ran my own BBS, I hacked into the network in my high school's computer lab, I even coded my own html about ten years ago... but lately, technology is leaving me behind. I can barely manage bit torrents. I'm confused by and scared of social networking. I find text messages on my phone to be both annoying and expensive...
yet here I am. broadcasting via RSS on the inter-tubes. it's ann's fault. the hideous new template is her fault as well, the old template didn't have an RSS link and I was too lazy to figure out how to add it.
lots of poop has happened recently. several of us hit the fremont zombie walk '07. it was awesome. I was glad we didn't look like lame zombies, but we definitely weren't in the cream of the crop either. some of those folks just spent way too much time and money on costumes and makeup. they do a few a year, but we figure once annually is good enough for us. I dropped probably $50 on makeup and fake blood, and had to throw out the clothes soaked in fake blood. miyuki made me some awesome fake intestines too, but those had to go as well, they were starting to go off. the flick pics are here. there are quite a few of me in there...
I did end up with a nasty rash on my neck from the spirit gum used to attach my massive gash. it's a very pretty bright pink raised chunk. it looks like someone attacked me with digusting puff paint. the rash is only now going away, five days after the zombie walk.
I should be getting a sizable raise at work... not as sizable as I asked for, but they're not asking me to do as much as I offered too, either. there is a rumour that my old boss (the one that ran me out of the company to begin with) may be taking over my branch, which would be bad... but I don't know yet. the rumour doesn't make any sense, but that's never stopped them before. if he is my new boss, I imagine I'll be looking for work again soon. I really don't want to work for him again. fortunately, I've developed some good relationships with customers and reps, I could probably find work easily enough if I needed to.
I've also decided to get a new compy. the one miyuki got from work for free over a year ago is dying. it might just be the fan, but it's seeming awfully slow, and I want to switch back to a mac. we're going to get a mac mini next weekend (save the tax in portland). top of the line model, super drive and everything...
I already have my xmas prezzie from miyuki... "she" got me a new habs sweater, the 1946 retro reverse colour scheme, customised with koivu's name & number. my old habs sweater was ten years old, I needed a new one. and it was on sale, so we ordered it. she's getting her prezzie early too, because we're horrible people. she wants a nice new winter coat, we'll go shopping for that this weekend...
we're having some friends over and the in-laws down for thanksmurder. I'll be cooking again this year. the turkey turned out really well last year, I just need to perfect my gravy skills.
we've already done about half of our xmas shopping. yay! I just need lists from my sister's clan and we'll be done with my family. we're not doing much for miyuki's this year, since we won't be in canada for the holidays...
so yeah, that's life in a nutshell, for my audience of one...
Nah, you have an audience of millions.
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