I now understand why jocks hate nerds.
went to a mariners game yesterday with the in-laws and my parents. it was a pretty good game, and the mariners actually managed to win against a much better boston red sox team. there were probably as many boston fans there as seattle fans, it was crazy.
I was actually glad we got such shitty seats (near the left field foul pole, WAY up) because we ended up in the shade, and had a nice breeze. it was about 95 yesterday, so the breeze was appreciated.
the thing I didn't like about the game was our neighbours. the two full rows in front of us were math nerds from UW. scrawny, pale, pimply college kids that had no business being at a baseball game. I don't even know why they went, none of them watched the game or seemed to even know what was going on. several of them were doing what appeared to be math homework, while others video'd each other solving rubik's cubes as quickly as possible. they each spent $20 or so on the tickets, plus whatever ungodly expensive concessions they bought. to sit and do math homework or play rubik's. or to stand up and switch seats CONSTANTLY during play. or to attempt a wave. TWENTY FUCKING TIMES. I missed at least half of the sixth through eighth innings because every thirty seconds, my view was obstructed by nerds trying to do the wave. they just wouldn't take a hint. the damn thing died within ten seconds of them starting it, every time. I laughed audibly when one of them lamented every time it died behind home plate, "that section sucks!". I pointed out to miyuki it wasn't that section that sucked, but our own...
I'm a stickler about the wave. I don't care if it allegedly WAS invented at their damn school, it has no business at a baseball game. it's a football thing. or a soccer (futbol) thing. it's mildly annoying at hockey... but it's REALLY annoying at baseball.
I don't know what it was about these kids... despite the fact there were nearly as many girls as boys there, I have some serious doubts any of them get laid. I got picked on a lot as a kid, I was a geeky, nerdy type... but hell, _I_ would have picked on these guys. they were pupli kids, for jebus' sake...
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