surprise, surprise.
the mystery $600? yeah, I can thank my favourite mistake for that. seems now that someone has her mommy making her fucking car payments, she's taken the liberty of accruing a massive amount of parking tickets and hasn't paid them off. oh, she's TRIED mind you. her checks bounce like racquetballs.
so collections came after me. because my name is still on the loan. because I was stupid enough to believe her when she said she'd be responsible. now her credit is so fucked up she can't possibly refinance it to get my name off of it.
this fucking sucks. I want her knees broken in the worst possible way.
a nasty voicemail, nastier email and message left for her mother for good measure has achieved faster results than I've ever seen from her.
she says the $600 will be replaced before the banks close today (which should be 1pm). given that her word is generally as good as her cheques, I won't hold my breath.
she says she wasn't aware of any of this. I find that hard to believe.
she also said she won't deal with me in person. gee, I must have had that "I want to break your kneecaps" tone in the voicemail message I left her. or maybe it was that I called her a fucking crackwhore...
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