oi oi oi.
santacon preparations are essentially complete. I've acquired a $30 santa suit, an annoying bell, and enough hooch to keep me obnoxiously drunk all day. I bought a mickey of rumplemintz. 100 proof, roughly 10 shots. I also got some green food colouring and an empty listerine bottle. I wasn't gonna go for the pinesol bottles or anything, as cool as that looks. drinking listerine will look hobo enough, without risking any real harm. now I'm just waiting for next saturday.
I also finally got my 401k rollover cheques. a little over ten grand going into a fidelity IRA (moderately agressive to mature in 2040), and $1700 to cash out with tax penalties. we're putting a thousand in ING and won't touch it til we buy a house. the other $700 is going into the compy fund. I'm getting REALLY sick of my five year old laptop, so we've agreed to get a new compy with xmas monies. I've got my eye on the $1300 imac. G5, 1.7gz, superdrive, 17" LCD screen. the thing is gorgeous, and about 10x faster than this piece of shit.
miyuki also has a job interview next saturday. we're really hoping she gets this one, as it's the best position she's applied for. best pay, best benefits... there's still a chance she could fall back on my old employer, but we'd both rather avoid that.
I donated another four hours of work today in an attempt to get caught up and finally see my desk. I think I know why filing never got done by the last girl. it takes a lot of damn time and is really low priority. I'm tempted to ask for my very own file bitch. or see if I can pawn the filing off on one of the sales assistants. they just hired a new one, and it would make sense for them to do the filing...
we're gonna go see sarah silverman's jesus is magic tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, 'cos I think she's hilarious. we've watched the comedians of comedy movie a few times on our free showtime, and I'm finding a new respect for standup comedy. the movie tomorrow should fit with the theme...
now if only the stinkin' habs could win, I'd be happy for the weekend.
did you get the extended warranty? I never trust the warranties for normal computers, but got one for my laptop (in case the lcd died). the new imacs are pretty much just giant LCD monitors... has me wondering if it's worth it.
guess I could always use the one year warranty to cover any dead pixels it may ship with, and then take my chances afterwards...
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