a simple man in a complex world

Saturday, November 12, 2005

two weeks down. one thousand, five hundred fifty-eight to go...

I'm learning a lot about the new job. or more accurately, about the people at my new job.

there are a lot of, erm, "personalities" there. but what I've learned most, particularly yesterday, was what my predecessor did that annoyed everyone. many requests and possible compliments were passed on to me. "if you can do this better, and it looks like you can, you'll be a vast improvement!" problem is, everyone liked her so much, they never complained. at least not to her. I'll have the benefit of everyone being so sick of the way things were done, that I can use their feedback to try to get into good habits and develop a system that'll keep everyone happy. I don't have all those bad habits yet, I'm very malleable.

I was also told that people are going to take advantage of my n00bie shine, which I expect. I pointed out I do have a decent memory for being raped tho, and have ways of exacting my revenge. nothing devious, mind you, but once I get my berarings and settle in, I'm sure I'll find ways of taking little jabs at those who take advantage of my naïvety.

I've also been told by several people that I'm doing okay so far, and that no one expects me to be functionally at the level my predecessor was for quite awhile. after all, she had five years at the company. I'm going to be granted several months handicap to get up to speed. it'll take awhile, but as I've been informed, "it ain't rocket science"...


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