a simple man in a complex world

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


somehow I got volunteered to be a gopher today. not sure why. there's a management meeting upstairs for all the managers in the district, plus a couple big wigs. they decided they wanted sammiches for lunch, so copies of a local place's menu were distributed, and then handed to me with a company credit card.

problem is, only two of the ten people actually filled out their menus. everyone else left out some or most of the info I need. six inch or twelve? what kind of bread? cheese? which veggies? any condiments?

I'm not about to barge into their meeting to correct them on their inability to order. so I just faxed over what they gave me, with instructions to prepare everything as normal except for the few exceptions noted.

I expect they'll be pissed, but it's their own damn fault.

I was told I could order myself a sammich too for my trouble, but seeing as I'm gonna be the goat on this one, I declined. not to mention the fact that they're not good sammiches anyway, and I have good leftover spaghetti from last night. miyuki made really tasty homemade stuff, which is much better than the crap from the jar I usually make...

blah. I also have to take full hour lunches this week because my timecard has already been turned in. I have nothing to do, so I brought in a book. joy.

four hours til I go home. 20 working hours until I'm done here forEVER. 52 hours total. at least a few of the nicer coworkers said they'd goout for a beer with me thursday after work. willlikely be the last I see of them, 'cos I doubt I'll be back for inventory.


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