not sure what to think of this...
turned in my notice yesterday. left the letter of resignation on my boss' desk, he got in around 8am. never said a word to me, but about 8:30 HIS boss (the district manager) came down to talk to me about it. said he wasn't happy to see me go and thought I had a bright future there, but when I told him about the $4500 raise and the walking commute, he said he could understand. he also said as far as he was concerned, I was leaving on good terms and would be welcomed back if I changed my mind. I spent much of the day waiting for my boss to say something to me, but he never did.
he did tell me to take today off, since I had "asked for a day"... actually, I made a joke about using a vacation day yesterday IF the computers weren't fixed. they were and I came in anyway. I had mentioned that miyuki's mom and sister were down here, but they had their own plans anyway. but hey, I'm told to take a day, I take it. if nothing else, I imagine he's just trying to keep his expenses in line. right now, he's on the hook for my salary through the 27th plus any unused vacation. more vacation he makes me use, the less I can double dip.
I did ask at the end of the day who I needed to talk to about rolling over my 401k, and he said it was the girl in personnel, "but she's not in today"... so he called over there too. seems weird that he'd never mention anything to me. he just acted like it was a normal day.
so I have the day off. the girls want to go shopping downtown. I'm going to drive them down, drop them off, and pick them up many, many hours later. they already had a couple hours at alderwood yesterday (I watched serenity again at the mall theatre) after a deeee-licious indian dinner. miyuki's mom was REALLY impressed. I plan to just slob about at home for awhile, watch some movies or play some video games...
and we never did get our new fridge yesterday, like we were promised. bastards.
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