a simple man in a complex world

Saturday, October 08, 2005

interviewy update.

went for my job interview today. in all, it lasted two and a half hours, which seems promising.

was told there were twenty initial applicants given an email interview, seven of which made the cut. was told my email response was very good, and I thought the follow up interview went well, talking to her for almost ninety minutes. then I had the second interview immediately after, instead of waiting until monday or tuesday as I was originally told. spoke for another hour plus with the potential boss and second in command of the company. didn't do nearly as well with him, but hopefully I did well enough. I expect to hear back sometime next week, as they said they wanted to have a decision made quickly. I'm also hoping that if the initial field was narrowed from twenty to seven, not all seven interviewees were sent upstairs for the second interview (first was with the headhunter/recruiter, second with the actual employer). if that logic holds true, I should have a one in four chance of getting the job.

it's ironic, too. my boss approached me yesterday and said they had started looking for my replacement. nearly three months after I requested the transfer. at least that tells me if I don't get this job, the wheels are in motion for me to move on at my current job. I'd prefer the new job, however. less attachments and hassles. and it's eight blocks away from home. I could walk to work each day.

also broke down and got my credit report online. had been avoiding it, because I knew it'd be bad because of all the crap with the ex. and it was. my credit score is 562. on a scale of 450 to 850, 562 puts me in the 10th percentile, or "very poor" credit... it's gonna be years before I'm able to buy a house. fucking bitch.

now it's time to watch hockey. stupid maple leaves.


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