a simple man in a complex world

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

and but so...

things at work progress as usual.

no mention was made of the work party crashing from the weekend. my predecessor showed up yesterday tho, and I mentioned it to him. his thoughts? "that's REALLY weird" and immediately jumped to the conclusion that things weren't peachy keen.

the warehouse skank showed up an hour late this morning. she said it was approved by the boss. this after he said in no uncertain terms that everyone is expected to be here for their shift, and if you need to do something or be somewhere, you better make damn sure you do it outside of work hours. but I guess that only applies to those who aren't sucking him off. what a joke.

I also got word last night that the girl over at corporate I recommended as my replacement has been promoted within her department, after a year of being taken for granted and underappreciated. she would have been able to do this job in her sleep. she's very capable and intelligent, and I recommended her because she wasn't being used to her potential where she was at. well, someone over there finally noticed that and promoted her. the problem? I recommended her two MONTHS ago, and reiterated my request and recommendation three WEEKS ago. but because my boss wouldn't do anything, the window is now closed. there is no one else readily available to step into this position, and he damn well won't advertise on the company bulletin board. and since I won't be allowed to transfer elsewhere until a replacement is found, this limits my options for getting the hell out of here to quitting.

so now I'm back to relying on the headhunter to find me something. I was instructed not to seek employment myself while they're looking, too. I'm basically fucked.


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