not your space.
I had wanted to send an email to a former coworker about the jones soda thing, but couldn't remember her addy. I knew she had a myspace profile, so I looked that up to send her the email. in the meantime, I figured I'd update my profile, since myspace seems to be the net fad du jour. unfortunately, I only know one person on there (CHA, who got me to sign up), so anyone who has a myspace account, lemme know? my profile is melferburque. you know, how it ALWAYS is.
anyway, I was bored and went looking for profiles I might recognise. and for some reason, found the ex wife's. it was depressing. I haven't had an actual conversation with her in over a year, aside from screaming at her about missed car payments. I really have no idea what she's been up to or anything.
so she's officially "bi" now... whatever. she's smoking. which is ironic, since she has severe allergies from exposure to her alcoholic father's second hand smoke growing up. she also had some stupid meme that said she's had sex with "double digit" people... funny, when we split, that number was two. she also said something about eating bacon. funny, she was one of those annoying vegetarians from the age of sixteen to who knows when... also looks like she drinks. a lot. most of her spare time is spent in bars, according to what she'd written there. she never used to drink, and in fact used to lecture me over having a beer or two with a meal. it's just amazing how she seems to have systematically changed every facet of her personality.
you would have thought that after spending seven years with someone, you'd know them despite the differences. but she's a completely changed person. has me wondering about other people I used to know but never see anymore. how much do people naturally drift apart over time? miyuki and I are meeting up with my friend ben and his new wife over thanksmurder break, since we'll both be visiting our families for the holiday. I haven't seen ben in four or five years, but we have kept in contact via email and sports fantasy leagues. we never were that close to begin with, so who knows... gee, could some of this be underlying regret for not going to my high school reunion, too?
in other news, miyuki got her xmas prezzie way early. she got a new sewing machine, 'cos it was on sale really cheap. while that may not seem a very romantic gift, she seems happy with it, and it's what she really wanted... now I just gotta decide if I want a canucks or mariners jersey from here. thinking I'm leaning towards mariners. I have three hockey sweaters already...
Sewing machines are the BOMB!
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