this could only happen to me...
the application for a marriage license isn't exactly designed for people in my situation. it requires the signature of both parties to be notarised or signed in the presence of the deputy auditor. seeing as miyuki and I want to get hitched as soon as she moves down here, we can't exactly wait for her to get here, apply in person and then wait the three days for the license to take effect. this means we have to get it done beforehand, and the office to apply for the license is only open on thursdays.
my dad's a notary tho. so I filled out the paperwork, had miyuki sign it, and sent it down to my dad, abusing our interoffice mail system. I left little sticky flags where he had to notarise it, and figured all shoudl be cool. he'll give me the benefit of the doubt without witnessing us sign the thing...
problem is, he stamped his notary seal over the sticky flag. and dated the thing JUNE 27 instead of july 27. I doubt this is going to fly.
and now I'm noticing miyuki hasn't actually SIGNED the bloody thing yet anyway. I was going to have her do it this weekend. which will make applying for the damn thing tomorrow somewhat difficult. I'll be in anchorage next thursday, and can't do it then either.
sigh. at least this means I have time to re-do it properly. it's just going to be a giant ass-pain trying to get this handled thursday the 11th for a wedding monday the 15th. there's NO margin of error at that point.
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