a simple man in a complex world

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

and then my day REALLY turned to shit...

got my itinerary for alaska... I'm gonna be on the hook for over $600 before I ever eat. $53 a day for a hyundai accent. can't believe they're charging $53 a day for a $8000 car. and then the hotel... $153 a night for best western. and I've gotta pay for all of this myself, and then get reimbursed. by the time I factor in gas, parking at the airport, food and all this, they're gonna be cutting me a cheque for like $900. which would be well and good if I could put all of this on a credit card. I can't. I don't have any. instead it's coming out of my savings account.

also got another shit call from GMAC about the ex-wife's car. I told them to just repo the fucking car. I can't believe she's being that irresponsible. they've sent it to collections, so I'm boned either way. at least a repo would REALLY hurt her. hope she likes walking to work through that skank-ass ghetto she lives in.

so yeah, it's not been the greatest morning thus far...


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