a simple man in a complex world

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

the system works. barely.

finally got my refund cheque for the court SNAFU from like eight years ago. I now have a cheque for $83 that has "BAIL REFUND" in big letters across it. reminded me of what I thought had come from a KEvin Smith movie (it sounds sooo much like banky or randal), but I guess is from a book called Eureka Street...

"He advertises giant dildos (of which he has only one) in a sleazy newspaper, banks all the cheques and postal orders he receives, then mails to everyone who has sent money in refund cheques with the words Giant Dildo Refund stamped on them. 'Can you honestly imagine,' he says, 'anyone toddling down to their bank to lodge a cheque that has Giant Dildo Refund stamped all over it? Isn't capitalism wonderful?'"

pinched that from a review I found online. it's amazing what you find when you type "giant dildo refund" into google. anyway, I don't recall ever reading that book (nor even hearing of it), so I imagine there was some pilfering involved. either the source I heard it from stole it from this book, or vice versa. oh well. funny story either way...

and you know damn well I'm gonna be depositing this cheque. "bail" my ass... kinda hard to show up in court if they never send you the notice. cocksuckers.


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