a simple man in a complex world

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

altruistic selfishness.

stopped tonight at target to pick up a couple cleaning supplies. I don't think my toilet had been cleaned in months and it was gross, so I got a toilet brush and some other crap.

picked the checkout lane with the pierced gen y looking girl, 'cos I figure they're usually the least likely to care about their jobs, and thus won't hassle you.

I'm paying for my shit, and she gives me the spiel about getting their card, blah blah blah. I tell her I don't want it, and she gives me the secondary argument of "1.5% of your purchase will go to the school of your choice." I point out the debit card I'm using already does this.

her response? "meh."

I find this amusing... she's trying to hit her quota (and I really do pity the retail people who have to hit those damn quotas, it's not they're fault they're so annoying), and tries to appeal to my sympathy towards children... yet she's completely unimpressed when I counter that I'm ALREADY doing that. it's awesome. especially since I really don't give a shit about kids, I just roll mine over to my nephews' school because it's free and the bank would do it anyway...


At 10:43 AM , Blogger christian said...

oh, and the best part? she didn't even charge me for one of the things... got a free bottle of toidey cleaner.


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