can anyone spot the trend?
birthdate of your humble narrator: 27 june
may and june 2003 - then-wife reveals her sexual preference would involve anything other than me, asks for a divorce.
june 27, 2004 - my 58 day old car is smashed into by a woman running a stop sign. $2500 in damage, and the car has never been the same since.
june 23, 2005 - GMAC calls me AT WORK to tell me ex-wife has not paid car payment in two months, and would I please give them my chequing account info so they can debit the $629.10 from my account, right now? am told she is two weeks away from repossession, which will result in a bill for the fees required to get the car ($500 minimum) plus whatever they can't recoup of the deficiency (currently $5400).
birthdays and me do not get along. period.
finally got word from the damn ex, since she wouldn't answer her phone, I sent her a nasty-gram in email. some of her nuggets of wisdom:
"I just made a payment by phone. There's also one in
the mail. You want to continue freaking out, fine. But
leave me out of it." - being told you owe over $600 IMMEDIATELY isn't a cause for "freaking out"? called GMAC back, and there's no record of her payment, either. will check again in the morning.
"I don't give you "WARNING" about my financial issues
because you know what, it's not your problem." - except it's negatively impacting my credit rating every time she does it...
"Your name may be on
that loan, but I've paid for MY car without your help
for 2 over years." - sure, if we don't count the three times they've reported a past due payment, and the other half dozen late payments and the resulting $29 late fee...
"Money is not the be-all end-all of existence. The bill
is paid, go on with your life." - money may not be everything, but it's damn important. and I won't be owning my own home until 2012 because of her. nor will I be buying a new car, getting any credit cards, etc...
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