a simple man in a complex world

Thursday, June 09, 2005

is that a rocket in your pocket?

boss rode his new bike into work today. I knew he had bought a motorcycle, had heard someone mention it... I'm a bit surprised, tho.

a bit of background on boss... he's 6'2, probably 240 pounds. big white guy. grew up on the washington coast, he's got a medium-wide redneck streak to him. so I figured he'd buy a harley, or at least a harley knock-off.

he's got a bright silver crotch rocket. the kind of bike you'd expect to see a 140 pound asian guy riding. I can't even begin to picture him on it...

and of course, he's got it parked right next to the front door. he parks his car on the far side of the building, obsctructed from view (I suspect this is so people won't know he's here). so he's showing off his new penis extension.

sigh. I want a vespa. 'cos really, could anyone imagine me on a real motorcycle? a 150cc vespa suits me much better...


At 6:01 PM , Blogger christian said...

I hate my job again.

turns out my boss is a whiny little bitch when he doesn't get enough sleep. he got called in at 6:30 because one of the drivers forgot their keys.

so when he was leathering up in his matching silver bikesuit to go to lunch, I made a crack about him putting a condom on his penis. he ripped into me, really personal like too.

I'm half tempted to just not go into work tomorrow. the guy is a jackass. he draws a bunch of attention to himself, and then can't people teasing him. despite the fact he's the first to make a crack at anyone else...

At 9:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, he's not a fat man. yet. he's only 29. but I do suspect he's having some sort of early midlife crisis. it's a truly ridiculous sight seeing him all leathered up in shiny silver with matching moon boots.

bet that salesman at the honda dealership's kids got braces for that sale.

At 10:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

new post! new post!

At 8:35 PM , Blogger christian said...

oh, like YOU should talk...

At 8:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, but i've pretty much given up on mine.


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