a simple man in a complex world

Saturday, February 10, 2007


we set up a play date last night for felix, our three year old tabby. ann and jules just got a cat, and we thought felix might enjoy meeting him. we knew saku was far too entrenched in his ways to cope with going to a new apartment AND meeting a new cat, but felix is generally a tad more brave/stupid, and is really good with new people.

we went over to their place to watch the illusionist. felix spent the entire time cowering under the couch, behind the toilet, etc. when I did finally pull him out, he cowered behind me. that's the only time I've ever heard him hiss or growl. he hissed more of less constantly. the plan was to leave him there overnight, possibly even for the entire weekend, so that roscoe could be socialised to other cats. roscoe was fine, he was just curious about the new guy. felix was a little bitch.

chalk that up to lack of cat psychology 101 experience.


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