a simple man in a complex world

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"gym? what's a gym?"

that's only funny if you immediately think of homer simpson....

now that we have some dispoable income, we're looking at being proactive with our lives... you know, since we're eating out a LOT more, maybe we should do something about it? so we're looking at gyms. there's one across the street, looks really nice. problem is, it'd be $75 a month EACH if we went month to month. only drops to $60 a month if we pay for a year in advance.

there's another a few blocks away, costs $35 a month each, but has no pool. I like swimming. there's also a curves about eight blocks away, good for miyuki, boys not allowed. but there's a public pool in ballard! $45 a month for access to the morning lap swim.

this sucks. we're either going to stay fat (or get fatter: the american way!), or we're going to shovel a ton of money at some gym or another, and then pray we actually use the damn thing...


At 11:00 AM , Blogger christian said...

the $75 a month gives you anything you'd possibly need in a gym. pool, basketball and racquetball courts, all sorts of weights and cardio machines, free childcare, free parking...

problem is, I don't want to pay for a bunch of services I wouldn't need. I don't have kids, and could walk to it. plus, I probably would never use 80% of the stuff they offer. I'd just use the pool, maybe a stationary bike or some weights.

my other option for a pool is $45 a month however, and it's twenty blocks away. so do I just pay the extra? it's easier to get to, and has more variety if I find motivation to use it...

At 5:57 PM , Blogger Irrational said...

Or just by some freeweights, and start a regular regime...

Its all about the crunches.

At 7:21 PM , Blogger KJ_Duke said...

Average Joe's over Globogym anyday...but seriously, I used to go to Fitness World (Globo) for $45/mo, then switched to a home gym w/ elliptical, bench and ball. There is greater motivation to get your money's worth at a gym, but you can't roll out of bed and go to the gym in your PJ's. Martial arts and salsa dancing are also great for cardio...any community centers around? They always have cheap gym drop-in and regular classes for aerobics, yoga, karate (go with a NPO).

At 5:37 PM , Blogger Tina said...

Don't you have community centres around there?

At 3:39 PM , Blogger christian said...

the public pool is essentially a community centre. $45 a month for a pass.

my sister just got a membership at a new rec centre by her house, $54 for the whole family, and it's REALLY nice. pool, gym, courts, all sorts of stuff. sadly, I haven't seen anything like that here.

we're gonna opt for the $120 a month one right up the street.


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