daylight saving time sucks.
the guy who invented daylight saving time can eat my ass. with a spoon.
I've never understood it. you're not actually CHANGING anything. if farmers (or whoever DST is actually supposed to benefit, I've never actually been sure - most people just assume it's those damn farmers) want to get up when it's light out, maybe they should just get up an hour earlier in the summer? it's not like anything changes if your clock says 6am or 5am. it's still the same time. the planet is at the same exact point in its daily rotation. you're not SAVING anything, you're just moving it around.
seriously, what is the fucking point? I've been cranky all week. I haven't gotten enough sleep. I've had to get up an hour early every day, and I can't fall asleep an hour earlier at night.
plus, there have been numerous studies that have shown the whole notion is retarded.
did you know that changing out clocks doesn't actually save any electricity, and actually uses more? granted, usa today and wall street journal aren't exactly peer reviewed scientific journals, but they get the point across.
then there's the fact that more people are killed in crosswalks immediately following a time change, due to the sudden darkness you're not used to driving in. see this for further details.
in the spring, you've got a whole lot of people who are waking up earlier than they're used to and trying to drive to work now. it's causing more accidents. the commute to work this week has been hellish. not to mention the fact that by moving DST up six weeks, I'm now driving to work in the dark. again. and yet it's light until 7:30pm. what is the fucking point of that?
last week, it was already light out when I left for work at 7am. and it got dark around dinner time. that seems perfectly reasonable to me. in another six weeks, switching the time wouldn't matter as much, it'd be getting light much earlier and I'd still drive to work in daylight.
I really fucking hate DST. I don't know anyone who actually thinks it's a good idea. so why do we even bother with it?
the masses need to heed the words of rilo kiley. we need to rise up with fists, and slaughter the sick fuckos who mess around with our time. it's OUR time dammit, we don't have to let them change it up on us, arbitrarily, twice a year!
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