a simple man in a complex world

Thursday, February 07, 2008

reason # 4,057 humanity deserves extinction

one of the worst parts of our current living situation is the laundry room. there are 38 apartments in our building, and three sets of washers and dryers in the laundry room to service all of them. we don't have assigned times for laundry, so it's basically first come, first serve.

a wash cycle lasts about 25 minutes. a dry cycle takes 55 minutes. I have this down to an art form. I set a timer as soon as I get back to my apartment so I know when the cycle will be over and can head down to change things out. I usually catch the washer as it's spinning down, and the dryer as it's in cool down.

I was doing three loads of laundry tonight. I never liked to use ALL of the machines, because that's a douchebag move. I'll use two and leave the other one for someone else. if I'm there first, I don't feel using two is wrong. it's that classic precedent of "snooze v lose"... tonight, the other one was already being used, so when I moved my two loads to the dryer, I started my third load in one of the recently emptied washers. I didn't check on it right away, because I knew all three dryers would be used for at LEAST forty minutes, if not more. I checked after 45, and saw the third dryer wasn't going to free up anytime soon, so I went back to watching hockey (fucking maple leaves, btw).

after the timer beeped, I went down to catch the first dryer starting its cool down cycle, and the other one shortly behind. my third load, a bunch of towels, was sitting on top of one of the dryers, soaking wet.

our laundry room is a fucking sty. I don't even like to think about what sorts of shit is coating every surface down there. and now coating my wet towels that I used to dry off after getting clean in the shower.

there is no possible way this asshole could have possibly expected to get both of his loads of wash into a dryer at the same time. at the very least, I'd have one of the dryers myself, and the other set had a load of wash in both machines, so it'd likely be tied up.

why on fucking earth would someone pull wet clothes out in this situation? the person who did this is a grade A asshole. there is no other possible explanation for their actions. I hope they die a slow, painful death. I hope I get to witness it. I hope I get to kick them in the nuts right before they die, so their final breath is a gasp of pain before they expire.

I actually pulled my laundry out of the dryer early. I'm going to finish drying it on our rack in the apartment. there was too great a risk I'd actually run into this fucker if I left the towels until the end of their cycle. and if I did bump into this person down there, I would likely end up in jail, because I would have gotten very violent.

I don't like the fact that I'm getting MORE disillusioned with humanity as I get older. I'm supposed to mellow with age. to shrug things off, to appreciate the happy things more. that's not the case. it's just building up exponentially, the bitterness and the hatred for my fellow man. every time someone does something considerate or selfless, six other people do something horrible to cancel it out and then some.

where is this fucking comet I was promised?


At 9:15 PM , Blogger Paul said...

Dude, your towels got dirty. It's uncool, but methinks that the rage and bloodlust are excessive. I've met people who've seen their families bludgeoned to death who haven't got a tenth the anger and contempt for humanity in them that you do.

Why is that?

At 9:31 PM , Blogger christian said...

they don't have the idle time and chronic back pain nine hours a day to stew in?

there are dozens of seemingly inconsequential things that people do every single day, and they all compound upon each other.

we got a notice that our rent will likely go up because people are too lazy to walk four extra feet to a second dumpster. they just keep piling it into the closer one until it's overflowing.

I get yelled at by customers at work every single day for shit I have no control over. I don't yell at people unless I'm DAMN sure they're responsible. and even then, I don't like yelling at them. they can't help that they're retarded. and yet people yell at me for all sorts of shit... the vendor didn't ship this. the trucking company broke it. the freight line went on strike and the product is stuck in omaha. they ordered the wrong thing and only realised it now, and I don't have the RIGHT thing in stock. you name it, I've been yelled at for it. it sort of pisses you off after awhile. every job I've ever had I've been yelled at by assholes.

and don't even get me started about people's driving skills. you can't truly hate anything until you've driven in rush hour. that is the epitome of human selfishness and assholery.


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