a simple man in a complex world

Monday, January 21, 2008

pretty sure I'm dying.

I woke up this morning with a headache. this isn't unusual for me, I get headaches all the time. but this headache was worse than normal. I originally chalked it up as an odd hangover, as the night before I drank three bottles of OB at ann & jules' place with dinner. I had a hankering for korean beer, and just couldn't resist something called "oriental brew"... I also couldn't help but giggling at OB being some sort of "original [gangsta] beer" or something. it wasn't a bad beer, tho I was surprised to read the label mentioned it was made from rice. figured rice beer probably makes for a different hangover, and left it at that.

headache continued throughout the morning. it was bearable, but annoying.

around 11am, I had to load a drinking fountain into my car and deliver it. this required lugging an awkward, fifty plus pound box across the warehouse and wedging it into my back seat. not exactly a sisyphean task, but enough to get my heartrate going. and as my pulse went up, so did the pain in my skull. a horrible throbbing right behind my left eyebrow, stretching all the way over to my temple. at this point I first postulated to my fave non-mooki canadian, paul that I likely had a brain aneurysm and would likely die. he lightened my spirits by pointing out it's more like a tumour and I would be dead within hours.

I took some of my loverly canadian tylenol (the good shit with the codeine in it) with a monster energy drink (1000mg of taurine) and my headache had mostly waned by mid afternoon. it had subsided into a normal dull pain, the kind I live with nearly daily. by the time miyuki and I decided to go to the gym, I was feeling as good as I normally do.

two minutes on a stair-stepper had me wishing for merciful death. I couldn't even make it ten minutes on a stationary bike after that, and we left early. I called my mom (a former RN) ont he way home, hoping she'd tell me something important (like go to the hospital now, you dumbass) but she came up devoid of useful help, other than it might be a sinus headache. instead, we stopped at the drugstore, bought some antihistamines and excedrin sinus. I took an antihistamine, an excedrin sinus and an aforementioned canadian tylenol with a stiff double white russian (technically a "honky", my variant using vanilla vodka to make it extra "white"). that, and a long, scalding hot shower (lots of steam) will hopefully have me feeling good/unconscious in no time.

either that, or I'll be dead by dawn. miyuki is terrified of this theory, but I think that has more to do with my telling her I would likely crap my pyjamas after death, leaving her a disgusting legacy to clean up in the morning. she's currently sitting on the couch, watching dirty jobs and weighing the pros & cons right now, counting the life insurance and wondering if it's worth the mess... I've assured her my deathly dookie would definitely be enough to inspire much vomitus, just to keep her on my side.

still, if I die of a brain aneurysm, I expect both of my readers to avenge my death...


At 10:17 PM , Blogger Paul said...

I'll avenge your death by taking your Wii.

At 6:47 AM , Blogger christian said...

telling you to "choke on your candor" really only works if I can strangle you a la homer simpson, huh?


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