why do people have to suck so much?
talked to GMAC about the ex's car. you know, the one that's under my name. she hasn't made a payment in three months. as of the end of today, a balance of $874.71 is owed on it, to cover the payments for june, july and august as well as all the late fees.
I've sent her an email giving her until 2pm to pay it. if she doesn't, I'll be forced to make the payments and take the car. miyuki's not thrilled about the idea of taking on a second car payment, but I'm not thrilled of the idea of not getting any credit or mortgage for seven years if they repossess the car.
I told her she'd have until next saturday to make other arrangements for travel. I have sincere doubts she'd ever give up the car, even if I did just drop $900 into it. if it comes to that, I'll report the damn thing as stolen. technically, it is. the car is in my name, I made the payments, and she has it without my permission. paying the impound fee would be worth having her sit in jail for a few days... 'cos it's not like she'd be able to post bail. heh.
so much shit to deal with... so little reason for it.
wonders never cease. she paid one of the three payments due. and she promised to pay up to current by next friday.
guess I'll be calling back on the 29th to see if she welshed on her promise again, and we can start this all over again.
and fret not, I can use "welsh" in a derogatory way 'cos I'm part welsh.
oh man, if it ever comes down to you having to pay for it, you should totally report it as stolen. sounds like she needs to learn a lesson here... & i can't think of a better place to learn a lesson & to really drive it home, than jail.
unfortunately, GMAC told me she has as much right to the car as me, even tho I'm the primary on the loan and would be making the payments. this means if I had a key I could take it... but I don't. possession being 9/10 of the law...
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