I need a bigger car.
to help put miyuki's mind at ease, we've started packing the car tonight, so she can have an idea of how much will fit.
I never realised how much shit I pare down each time I move. she's lived in one place for 25 years. there's too much crap. I told her we'll have to come back for the rest at a later date, and she needs to prioritise what's important. hopefully we'll have her travel docs by thanksmurder and can come up in october for the rest of it. there's no way in hell all of this will fit. the trunk is stuffed and the backseat of the car is mostly full. enough room for maybe four or five more boxes... I have this great fear that I'm going to have to unpack the car so a triage can be performed on the boxes already packed... non-essentials pulled out, replaced by more important things, and packed back into the car.
glad we started doing this tonight instead of tomorrow morning. I was hoping to be on the road by 10am. wouldn't happen had we waited til 8 to start packing...
at least dinner was tasty. everyone kinda kicked in to help make satay chicken skewers. I was in charge of the skewering of the poultry and making the rice. woo. I helped with the sauce too... I'm a big boy!
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