right back to the top of my shit list...
everyone remember the crazy bitch landlady I had in redmond? she's STILL causing me problems.
miyuki and I got the kickass apartment in ballard. but we have to pay an extra $300 pet deposit because of the redmond bitch. when they checked references, she claimed I left the unit smelling of cat piss. uhh, no, crazy bitch, that was the foot of MOLD crawling up the walls.
so she's cost me another $300. and nearly cost me the apartment. also hit a minor snag with the bitch ex-wife's inability to pay her car payments, but I was able to talk my way out of that one. can't get around the extra pet deposit tho.
I really want that "woman's" brain to hemmorhage. what pisses me off the most is she considers herself a pious, christian woman... and she's the fucking antichrist. seriously, if I had to choose who was more deserving of getting kicked in the nuts between her and dubya? her, hands down. she is pure fucking evil.
and there's nothing I can do about the damn slander. she has sullied my credit report with flat out LIES and I can't do a bloody thing about it.
really, is inoperable brain cancer for those deserving of it REALLY so much to ask?
and people wonder why I'm not religious...
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