a simple man in a complex world

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I hate politics.

actually, that's not true. usually I find politics interesting, sometimes even fascinating.

I hate elections.

I hate elections because I hate stupid people, and stupid people always do stupid things in elections.

I just heard an attack ad against washington's governor, christine gregoire. by all accounts, she has been one of the most effective governors in the country the past several years. that doesn't stop her republican GOP opponent for attacking her for all sorts of shit. (you know, the fucker who used a loophole to actually list himself as a member of the "GOP party" instead of as a republican, so he could trick people into voting for him. what the fuck is the Grand Old Party party?!)

this ad had a "concerned sounding mother" lamenting traffic in seattle. she was complaining about how gregoire raised the gas tax and how traffic keeps getting worse...

gregoire raised the gas tax, but with inflation we actually pay less than we did ten years ago. she didn't raise it ENOUGH. the state actually has LESS gas tax revenue now than they did a decade ago. and the national gas tax is one-TWENTIETH the amount of tax most european countries pay. is it any wonder our roads are clogged with idiots driving SUVs?

as for the congestion... every time a light rail or transit bill comes up on the ballot, the geniuses that live here (or at least in the suburbs) vote it down. the city wasted tens (possibly hundreds) of millions of dollars on a monorail that was eventually scrapped before they even broke ground. last year, proposition 1, which allowed for a blend of light rail and transit expansion, was voted down. the republicans wants to build more roads. they want to expand the floating bridges to eight lanes, but they don't want anyone to be able to take the train or bus to get around.

it's a fucking joke. blaming gregoire for traffic, or the high price of gas, makes about as much sense as blaming my cat for global warming.

I hate elections. I hate stupid people. and I have to put up with another four months of this bullshit. mudslinging, slander, lies, all so people can go out and make uninformed, short sighted, self-serving votes and make this city, state and country and even worse shithole than it already is.

seriously, when is that fucking comet going to get here and wipe out humanity?


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