a simple man in a complex world

Monday, December 24, 2007

xmas loot.

so my family does things a bit weird. we did our xmas stuff on xmas eve. had a nice ham, got the family together and then we opened all of our gifts. this is partially because of various custody issues with the nephew(s), partly the logistics of getting everyone together, and mostly just because we're horrible people. it started when I was a kid as a means of insuring everyone slept in til a reasonable hour (I used to make the argument that 2am was technically xmas morning, etc), the the idea of opening at least some gifts xmas eve dates back to my mom's childhood.

for the past several years, the loot has consisted of books and movies, thanks to my mom's employment at barnes and noble. this year was no different. it was a nice little haul.

the dvds...

studio 60 - complete series
red dwarf VII
red dwarf VIII (finally completing my set on dvd, making the vhs obsolete)
the office - season 2
the office - season 3
elizabethtown (I think I'm the only person on earth who liked this flick)

and the books...

non campus mentis - world history according to college students (both the funniest and most depressing read I've ever had - simultaneously)
world war z by max brooks (follow up to zombie survival guide)
made in america - an informal history of the english language in the US) by bill bryson
only revolutions by mark z danielewski (poe's brother, author of "house of leaves")
lamb - the gospel according to biff, christ's childhood pal by christopher moore

I'm happy. I have several days worth of entertainment in both mediums. it'll keep me busy. I just need to make time to read more often, I've been really awful the past few years.


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